Allison or Kira, Who do you prefer?

Allison or Kira, Who Do You Prefer?

Allison and Kira are two very lovely ladies who departed from the show. Allison however died and left A lot of TeenWolf fans in tears and heartbroken, her death was the saddest death in the show. Allison was a very brave girl and she could fight really well, learning her skills from her father Argent.  Kira is also a great fighter and a brave female who was apart of Scott's pack. She departed from the show in season 6.

The two females were known for dating Scott. Most fans say that they prefer Allison and Scott together than him and kira.

Who do you prefer?
Well I'm not really a fan of Kira, I'm an Allison fan so I prefer Allison. Allison was a very nice person and keep us happy most time. It was very sad to see her passed away, I always wish a episode would come where she would return.  I personally choose Allison over Kira.

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