Top 5 Most Shocking Deaths In Teen Wolf

Top Five Most Shocking Deaths In Teen Wolf.

Teen Wolf has ended but we still have some memorable moments of the show. And today we are going to look at the top five most shocking and saddest deaths of Teen Wolf.

1. Boyd
Boyd was a very humble person in the show. Even though he had some anger issues he was still a good guy. Boyd's death left A lot of fans heartbroken, He was killed by the claws of Derek, When a pack of alpha's hold Derek and drop Boyd on his claws killing him. Derek felt it the most because Boyd was his beta and he died from his claws.

2. Brett and Lori
When the two finally escaped the hunters, they got hit by an RV. This was probably the saddest death scene in the season finale. Their death had an big impact on Liam who got really angry and wanted revenge.

3. Victoria Argent and Deucalion
Victoria Argent was the mother of Allison. She was bitten by an Werewolf but didn't want to become one. Died in the hands of her husband Argent. They waited for the full moon and when her eyes started glowing she made Argent pushed the blade in her.

Deucalion died in the season finale of Teen Wolf. Deucalion was a very evil person in the earlier seasons of the show, but he later on became good and gave up fighting. Deucalion died while training Scott, he got shot by hunters.

Aiden's death made A lot of Teen Wolf fans cry. He died in his brother arms, sharing some powerful last words to each other. He was killed by an Oni when fighting with Derek and his brother.

5. Allison
The most memorable and saddest Teen Wolf death was Allison's death. Allison was one of Teen Wolf's favourite characters and seeing her died was very painful. She was the daughter of Argent and the girlfriend of Scott. She died trying to save her friends. Both she and Aiden died in the same episode and was killed by an oni.

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