Top 5 most shocking deaths in The Walking Dead so far.

Top Five Most Shocking Deaths In The Walking Dead So Far.

Many fan favourite characters has passed away in the hit series The Walking Dead, leaving us heartbroken and sad. Here's five most shocking deaths so far in the show.

1. Dale Horvath
Dispirited by the group's decision to execute prisoner Randall, Dale head back to the RV by himself and was attacked by a Walker. The Walker uses his bare hands to pull Dale apart. Daryl however shot Dale to put him out of his misery with two words, "Sorry brother."

2. Penny Blake
This Was a very shocking and sad scene. Penny Blake was the Governor's daughter. He had her chained and caged up because she was a Walker. Michonne found out Penny was a Walker and took out her blade, same time the Governor came in and begged her to spare his daughter's life. But Michonne ignored and push her Katana blade through Penny's mouth killing the child.

3. Jody
Running through the woods Jody bumped into Carl. Jody surrendered to Carl Grimes, but Carl was still pointing his gun at Jody. Carl then shoots Jody right in the head killing him. Whats so shocking about this scene was seeing a kid killing another kid.

4. Noah
Noah's death was probably the saddest on this list. Noah was one of my favourite characters in the show, It was very heartbroken when he passed. Noah was attacked by Walkers while trying to escape with the gang. The Walkers ripped Noah apart as he screamed.

The Final Person to make the list is "Carl Grimes"
Carl was one of the best person's in the show and became a fan favourite. Not only was Carl deaths sad, but when he revealed his bite mark to Rick and Michonne was very melancholy as well. Carl killed himself in the ending of season 8 leaving Rick and Michonne in tears.

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