Who Is To Blame For Kelly's Suicide?

Who Is To Blame For Kelly's Suicide?

Many fans are saying Natalie is to blame for Kelly's suicide or suicide attempt. Kelly was arrested for murder one in which she didn't do, but the other one she clearly did. Being in jail unable to get out and have no Lawyer to represent her, Kelly became really depressed and stress. Natalie found a suicide note Kelly wrote and immediately called Lusion to check up on her. When Lusion reached her cell  he saw Kelly hanging from the ceiling.

Couple persons are saying Natalie shouldn't have made Kelly brought a gun in the first place and It's all her fault. But I won't blame Natalie or saying It's her fault, I think Ian should have continue to represent her. So the one to blame is Ian for not representing Kelly and Randall also for making things harder on her. Randall shouldn't have annoyed her and make her confess.

So Natalie isn't to be blame because she did nothing really.

I'm hoping Kelly survive and Ian represents her and get her out safe and sound.

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