Amelia and Teddy Pregnant for Owen? My Prediction

Amelia and Teddy Pregnant For Owen? My Pediction.

In last week's season finale, Teddy returned to Grey's Anatomy pregnant. Most fans are saying that Owen is responsible for teddy being pregnant and yes he is. However Owen and Amelia are low-key having a intimate relationship.

So is Amelia and Teddy pregnant for Owen?
If your a true Grey's Anatomy fan then you know that Shonda knows how to add the drama. I'm not saying I'm right, but what I think will happen is, Teddy is going to return pregnant and tell Owen that he's the father and then Amelia also is going to end up pregnant, leaving Owen and other cast members shock. Grey's Anatomy is a show that is full of drama and cliffhanging moments and I predict that Owen got Teddy and Amelia pregnant. 

Let me know what you think in the comments.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty accurate to me. I also think that Betty, aka Leo’s mother, will probably over dose and die. Owen will adopt Leo. Now Owen will have 3 children. Also, during delivery Teddy will suffer a massive heart attack. Maggie will perform open heart surgery and Teddy will not make it. Owen marries Amelia and they now are raising 3 children.


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