Who is in that casket? Empire Fox

Who is in that casket? Empire Fox.

The season finale of Empire is near and it seems as if it's going to leave us with a very heartbreaking moment. Somebody will die but we are not quite sure who will it be. Many fans are saying that Andre will be the one to die because of the heart disease he develop after beating cancer and Andre also told his father that he's going to commit suicide and when Andre say he's going to do something he will. But we have other fans that are saying it might be Kinsley's mother. Kinsley's mother which is lucious ex-girlfriend/ baby mother is currently in the hospital. She's a crack head and is suffering right now, so fans think she might be the one to die in the season finale of Empire. Some fans are saying it might be lucious mother as well, but persons are saying that Andre is in the casket though, he will be the one to die in the season finale.

Andre is a very great actor and he's also a fan favourite of the show. It would be very sad to see Andre out of the show and the Lyon family won't be the same if Andre die.

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