Who do you think would be better for Mike? ...Will or El?

Who do you think would be better for Mike? ...Will or El?

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It was very shocking when we started to realize that Will is actually gay. In the fourth season of Stranger Things we saw hints and sign that Will is secretly inlove with his best-friend Mike. But we all know that Mike is inlove with El and they've been dating for a while now.

I'm pretty sure that most fans who are watching from the LGBT club would like to see a Mike and Will moment or seeing the two dating. Mike on the other hand is happy to be with his girlfriend El, so Will might be setting himself up for a heartbreak.

My predictions for upcoming episodes.

I think that Will might try to kiss Mike and Mike reaction would be "What are you doing?" Or Will and his older brother Jonathan will sit and have a conversation about it, because Jonathan suspected that his brother might be gay. I personally rather seeing Mike and El together and I love their relationship. So Will should find someone else. And I'm pretty sure El wouldn't want to see her Boyfriend and someone she calls her Brother dating or flirting.

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