What if Mr. Han joined Cobra Kai?

What if Mr. Han joined Cobra Kai?

Google image. 

Now, before you come at me and say, "He wasn't part of the Miyagi universe," note that this is just a fan theory.


Here's what would happen if Mr. Han joined Cobra Kai:

Mr. Han would stumble upon Johnny Lawrence at a bar, during which Johnny would get into a fight with a random guy, and Mr. Han would see Johnny's karate skill and walk over to him after the fight, and the two would have a conversation. The next day, Johnny would open the Cobra Kai dojo, and Mr. Han would pop up and make Johnny an offer to help teach his students. Johnny, however, would decline the offer, and Mr. Han would tell Johnny that if he could hit him, he'd leave, but if not, he'd stay and help train the students. Johnny then accepts and ends up losing to Mr. Han. Johnny, however, would be impressed by Mr. Han's skills and allow him to teach Cobra Kai's students. Mr. Han would teach Miguel the same way he taught Dre, which would make Miguel faster and stronger. Johnny and Miguel would still have their bond because Mr. Han wouldn't want to get close to any of the students. Johnny and Mr. Han would push the students beyond their limits, and some would quit because they couldn't manage the training. 


Cobra Kai would easily win the All Valley Tournament, and Hawk and Miguel would fight in the finals, in which Miguel would defeat Hawk. Mr. Han, however, would have to leave, and that's how he would depart from the show, but we might see a return in the final season.


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