Selfish or Supportive? Amanda LaRusso
Selfish or Supportive? Amanda LaRusso

Her sense of humour and clingy personality warm the hearts of fans, even though her wanting Daniel to quit karate can be annoying at times, as fans think that she’s too hard on Daniel. In the season finale, we saw some very emotional scenes, especially when Amanda started realising that her daughter Samantha would be going to college and wouldn’t be around anymore.
Amanda hated that Daniel was still into karate and was trying to keep Mr. Miyagi’s legacy alive, but when she realised that Daniel LaRusso enjoyed teaching karate and had a passion for it, she started being more supportive of his desires. She was rooting for the Miyagi-Do and also became a great mentor to Tory Nichols. Even when Tory and Samantha were at each other’s necks, Amanda managed not to be biased and supported them both throughout the tournaments and individually.
Her character started off a little sketchy, and on many occasions, fans were upset at the way she treated Daniel San, especially the auction scene with Terry Silver, but fast forward, and fans started enjoying her sense of humour. She bonded with everyone we saw; her and Kenny, Johnny Lawrence, and even Carmen and she became great friends. What’s your opinion on her character?
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